is this weekend!!!!!!!
Plans: River Trip with Tara and Dave, was going to be more people but they've since canceled. We may actually be canceling too if Travis doesn't start feeling better by tomorrow afternoon. *crossing my fingers*
Work: is actually going really well - I am loving my new job and I feel so much better than I did a month ago. I wanted to rip all my hair out but now I have things under control. We've been interviewing for a new person and those are weird. I've never had/got to sit in on an interview before and I tell you I think I am just as nervous as the candidate interviewing for the job!
Offical Summer Plans:
June - Megan's Birthday Party :D
July - 4th of July somewhere that isn't home
A surprise trip <3 I am not allowed to ask any questions about this - apparently its nothing big or special.
Travis' birthday weekend we'll be in Napa! I can not wait to experience that :D
August - Tara's Bridal Shower
Vegas Trip with Travis
Tara's Bachelorette Party!
September - Tara and Dave are getting married <3