Sunday, May 16, 2010


Today has been a Sunday that I've needed for a long time. Slept in woke up did some errands got home in time to watch a basketball game take a shower lounge around ... just relax.

Yesterday was a long day. Woke up got ready was on my way to a wedding that started at 4pm by 9:30am. The drive to bakersfield was long. It was hot. The wedding was outside in the sun. No shade, the good thing about that was that the ceremony lasted a whole five awkward minutes. They stood at least two feet apart, didn't hold hands etc. I don't even think the groom looked at her. The minister bumbled through the vows, and never told anyone to sit after the bride came down the aisle so about half way through the brides side said eff it and just started to sit down in groups then the grooms side caught on. After the ceremony she announced the couple, yet never proclaimed, "you may kiss the bride!". Just awkward.

The repection was about twenty feet to the left and some tables were shaded most weren't (including the head table) so Travis and I quickly went and claimed our spots. The reception was as fun as it could have been for that wedding. No one on the grooms side danced. All Travis' Aunts and cousins. During the toast no cider or champagne was passed around, Travis and I used the water that we had been drinking. We left around 7:30 and made it home just before 10:30.

Friday night we went to the Improv with Alyse and Andrew. That was a lot of fun. We saw Kevin Pollack. He's been in a few movies and if you saw his face you'd recognize him. They came over for a glass of wine before we had to leave to the Improv and that was nice. I like being an adult when I can do things like this. It is nice to just be in your own place. To be able to do whatever whenever you want - have people over to do anything. (Marble I can't wait :D)

Thursday I can't remember what we did. Wednesday the guys lost their game again, but you know they did great. They are playing in a more advanced league yet losing by less. I have hope maybe for next season they'll have a winning season.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Chama Chama Chama Chameleon

We come and go, we come and goooooooo.

I love that song, and it just popped into my head. It unfortunately was not playing on the radio and the only thing I am listening to is the TV way too loud (the Laker game) and Travis talking about baseball ... my life.

This weekend was mothers day. Saturday we spent with my mom and Jason. We went to Bernardo Winery in San Diego. It was my first adventure at a winery and it was fun. I am looking forward to going to another sometime soon. Overall it was a lovely day minus me not feeling so well. I made sure to make up for that and sleep on and off for 12 hours. I hibernated. It was well deserved.

Sunday we went miniature golfing at Boomers in Huntington/Westminster. I didn't lose. I got first place in the girls. Travis got first for the guys. Not too fair seeing in how we just practiced right? I got a hole in one and so did Brenda. We stopped by my mom's house to see everyone there, my aunt and memere. Mom also gave us a bottle of wine, Harmony Cabernet; and a gerber daisy plant she bought for me in Cambria - it is now sitting on the kitchen table. I hope I inherited her green thumb.

Thursday we had dinner at Jon and Brandi's to celebrate their engagement. Played Phase 10 and Travis and I took first and second. We kind of are awesome at games. They are getting married September 18, 2010. It's going to be exciting.

Friday night we had dinner at Natalie's. She wanted us to hang out with her and Nick. I must be honest I was nervous but it turned out wonderful. We shall do that again. We also went to see Iron Man 2 since Travis was all about seeing that on the day it came out. It was enjoyable and didn't let down your expectations.

The rest of the week was pretty mellow. I hope this week will be too. We have his cousin's wedding coming up, fingers crossed.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

In my defense - I was in court lol.

Yes another Tuesday, I was at the court house all day yesterday so when I got home I didn't feel like writing in my blog. I was drug into a court room at like 10 am and the finally let go around 3:30. For some reason a case for a $400 theft was supposed to last an entire week - that would have been a financial hardship for me so that's what I claimed and after explaining why and how it would be a burden for me they dismissed me. I am scott free for a year, but i'd put money on another summons coming this time next year. It really never fails.

Earlier this week was pretty quiet. Wednesday was the basketball game. I don't volunteer your time so please stop volunteering mine. That's all I have to say about that. Lol.

Thursday I went to dinner with coworkers for one of their birthdays (Jessamyn's - she turned 30). We went to Taleo, it was rather delicious; rather pricey too, but still fun. It was nice to see everyone outside of work, I mean no one changed drastically from how they are at work but it does take the edge of having to be appropriate really.

Friday night Travis and I went to dinner and saw a movie, a date night of sorts. It was lovely, I like spending time with just him outside of our apartment. We saw Nightmare on Elm Street. It was ook. Not great, not bad, not a waste of money.

Saturday we woke up dropped off a game at Krista's house, went to our dentist appointment and then I had a baby shower to go to. That was kind of boring, a lot of just sitting around - no games. Weird. Then we went to Dave and Busters with Tara Dave Amy Natalie and Bill, very fun. Bill told me he was going to propose to Lisa. Now I may not agree but I do want him to be happy and she seems to be making him happy now. She has agreed to move to Virginia with him! If that is not a big step in the commitment direction then I don't know what else everyone can ask for from her. I have my fingers crossed on this one.

Sunday Trav and I dropped off some stuff with Alyse at her work then we were supposed to go to the mall and use my gift card to Nordstrom but I didn't feel like shopping so instead we got lunch and headed back home to watch the laker game, we hung the shelves too in the living room and Bill came over to update us on the lunch he had with Lisa's dad. He approved, Bill showed me the ring, not my style but prettier in person that I thought it would be.

Monday was jury duty, no need to say anymore. And this morning oye, it's only 10am and my day has been hectic. Below is the email I wrote to Shannel and Travis explaining what I had to deal with, some people just need to let it go.

So on my way to work there was a suv driving slowly so I went to pass him and another car behind me did as well, so when I passed the suv then I changed lanes to get in front of him to let the other car that wanted to go faster than I was going to pass me. As soon as I went in front of the suv he changed lanes to a lane that was ending in a right turn but he kept speeding up through the intersection to the third lane that right hand turning cars woudl go into, then that lane merged in front of me so he was in front of me. He proceeded to slow down way under the speed limit as if to mess wiht me so then I changed lanes to get from behind him and he basically boxed me in. His lane had less cars so I went behind him again and that's when I realized that he was an asshole and apparently I "offended him" at the red light he was like like less that 5mph so thats when I made up my mind and I was just going to go with the flow and drive slow behind him - not much I could do right? After awhile I saw a spot that I could get around him at so I changed lanes only for this guy to put his blinker on (which mind you I was using mine the whole time) and try to change lanes INTO my car!! INTO it, so I stayed where I was and didn't let him bully me and he finally backed off. Then it got to where I needed to be in the right hand lane not the farthest left so I was kind of worried at how I was going to accomplish that with this asshole basically messing wiht me everytime I tried to change lanes or get away from him. So I just slowed down and went behind him and then he kept changing lanes to get in front of me so whatever, I was in the lane I needed to be in and of course he was in front of me. So I just slowed down to distance myself from his car and he did the same (very frustrating) So the major light before my work (Harvard) he basically slowed to a stop at a green light so I just stayed behind him didn't honk didn't flip him off didn't yell, you would have been proud at how I didn't even acknowledge this guy I wasn't going to let him see how frustrated/rattled I was (at one of the stop lights I had to put my car in park because my leg was shaking sooo much, take deep breaths) he rolled his window down while he was turning and I passed him going straight and I didn't even as much as turn my head in his direction. Bahh. Basically my whole entire drive to work was with this guy messing with me.

Let's see where this week will go seeing in how it started out for me. The upside to today is American Idol is on tonight :D