Yesterday we had an earthquake, a substantial one - 7.2. I thought Travis was moving my chair at first which was funny; I then realized everyone was looking at their chairs thinking someone was moving them and at that point we all agreed, we must be having an earthquake.
We all just sat around looking at each other kind of waiting to see how long it would last. It was more of a rolling quake than a shaking quake. I like the rolling quakes more - feel like you could stand up and surf. Haha.
Easter was relaxing. Rhys and Leslie made it, Zac came with his girlfriend Rachael, I told him if he doesn't keep her I will. We didn't play cricket this year, we all just wanted to sit around and play cards and talk with each other. (My brothers and I with Pat and Dylan- we hardly ever see each other anymore it's nice to all be together)
Travis and I walked home from my Mataunte's house. (Six minute walk lol) Opened our Ivory Label and enjoyed a quiet evening at home. Played some Yahtzee and watched Stephen King's "The Stand" (Travis just got done reading that 1000 page book lol). The wine is definately going in our top wines to drink. It was not that expensive, under $15, and it was delicious! I will always recommend it.
Saturday we went to Prado Park in Chino to hang out wiht Travis' family all day. That was nice and relaxing as well. The second go around of hanging otu with his entire family like that was a piece of cake. By then I've been to countless birthday parties, football games, anniversary parties, etc. They have become my second family. His cousin Britney is dating a guy named Mike. I used to work with him at Best Buy back in the good ol days hahah.. He go to experience meeting everyone for the first time on Saturday but it was bitter sweet for him. Surrounding by a huge family and finding out really horrible news of his own. I still can't grasp how he stayed so calm when finding out his dad was murdered. "It was either liver failure or he was murdered." That to me is to broad of a spectrum to even speak in the same sentence. I wish him the best.
Saturday night Travis Amy and I went to play pool again. The "bouncer" at the door takes his job way to seriously. Under age kids are allowed to be in the place but he glances from ID to face at least 4 times before asking for your hand to mark it red. Ryan came and met up with us afterwards at our place and we hung out and drank and played a game it was really fun. I learned how to pour the "perfect" snake bite. In actuality it's just a regular one but it stays separated! The trick is to use a spoon.
Thursday Travis and I took Jon and Brandi to the Irvine Improv. We saw Ian Bagg. I wasn't sure at first but he turned out to be funny. More of the banter with the audience type of deal. I would see him again. I hope we get tickets for this upcoming week! (but for Brea, Brea is having an awesome lineup of comeidans. Marble gets to see Tosh on Friday woot!)
Last Monday we had a small get together and that turned out larger than I was expecting haha. It was Jon Natalie Lauren Amy Anthony and Krista. Six people over on a Monday night down to Lake Forest - that's not half bad lol. I love when my friends hang out!!
Ohhhh side note. New recipie for Caramel Banana Tiramisu. Delicious. I'll have to post the ingredients later so check back if you want it.
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