Sunday, May 16, 2010


Today has been a Sunday that I've needed for a long time. Slept in woke up did some errands got home in time to watch a basketball game take a shower lounge around ... just relax.

Yesterday was a long day. Woke up got ready was on my way to a wedding that started at 4pm by 9:30am. The drive to bakersfield was long. It was hot. The wedding was outside in the sun. No shade, the good thing about that was that the ceremony lasted a whole five awkward minutes. They stood at least two feet apart, didn't hold hands etc. I don't even think the groom looked at her. The minister bumbled through the vows, and never told anyone to sit after the bride came down the aisle so about half way through the brides side said eff it and just started to sit down in groups then the grooms side caught on. After the ceremony she announced the couple, yet never proclaimed, "you may kiss the bride!". Just awkward.

The repection was about twenty feet to the left and some tables were shaded most weren't (including the head table) so Travis and I quickly went and claimed our spots. The reception was as fun as it could have been for that wedding. No one on the grooms side danced. All Travis' Aunts and cousins. During the toast no cider or champagne was passed around, Travis and I used the water that we had been drinking. We left around 7:30 and made it home just before 10:30.

Friday night we went to the Improv with Alyse and Andrew. That was a lot of fun. We saw Kevin Pollack. He's been in a few movies and if you saw his face you'd recognize him. They came over for a glass of wine before we had to leave to the Improv and that was nice. I like being an adult when I can do things like this. It is nice to just be in your own place. To be able to do whatever whenever you want - have people over to do anything. (Marble I can't wait :D)

Thursday I can't remember what we did. Wednesday the guys lost their game again, but you know they did great. They are playing in a more advanced league yet losing by less. I have hope maybe for next season they'll have a winning season.

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