Friday, September 10, 2010

A view of Newport

So we've (my office) officially "moved up" in the world. Our address now reads, Newport Beach. I have my own business cards again, not like it really matters because who am I "networking" with to hand them out. Our new space is amazing, actually smaller than our old building but in a better layout and just better looking in general. Everyone is excited to have arrived. :D

Countdown until my birthday has unofficially begun seeing in how its still two months out but ... it's pretty darn close. The big 2-5; I can now rent a car ... sweet? Age is only a number now, when I was younger I used to hold that number to a high standard because there were things to look forward to. Now the only things to look forward to aren't limited by a number but just on how much or fast you want to obtain your goal. I thought I would feel weird about my birthday because 25 just sounds so old but I've come to the realization that it's not old, it can be as young as I want it to be. It's a new stage in life and it's time to command it.

I am spending my time and efforts of friendship and love more wisely too. I've learned that it's not worth all the stress in my life to keep a friendship that I feel is so one-sided. She's not a horrible person, and you can say that it's unfair for her that I've grown up; because now I am looking for something different out of my friendships than what she can offer me. With that being said it's not fair to me to look past what I want just because she hasn't followed suit. I can see how blindsided she was with my choice in ending the friendship but then again it definitely didn't come out of left field. I've talked with her countless times on things that were bothering me as you should in a friendship/relationship - communication is key; but it always seemed to fall flat or on deaf ears. I may not be perfect or the best friend someone could have because everyone has their selfish moments but I at least try and made every effort I could have to be a fair friend and always take her feelings into consideration when I knew mine were the last thing on her mind. I really hope she finds some kind of inner self confidence and strength to be the best woman, mother, wife she can be. She deserves someone far better than what she is so desperately trying to hold onto.

On a much more exciting and happier note Trav and I got a new TV :D. It's a 46 inch Mitsubishi LED, it did take some getting used to, the screen looks a little 3D at times because of how clear the picture comes out but it's been nice. Just in time for Football to start! ... coincidence? yes actually, that or Paul's TV new just what they were doing by advertising the great financing deal they did that Thursday before Labor Day.

Speaking of Labor Day, I did not get that Saturday off school :(, but I guess that's good might as well keep chugging along until this class is done. SL2 at 8am on Saturdays - oh joy! My teacher, professor, is 100% deaf and the class is about 95% signing and 5% writing on the board to make sure we fully understand what he's trying to say to us. I've pretty much jumped in head first and it's sink or swim time in remembering my sign from three years ago. So far so good, treading water with the rest of them. We have to go to two deaf events and spend at least two hours at each event and then write a page paper on what we learned observed etc while there. Should be interesting. :)!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Long Overdue ...

Life is good.

Starting school again. All the SL1 (Sign Language 1) classes are full for the times I'd be able to get down to Saddleback, so I'd have to petition the Saturday or 7:30pm class. I am going to try and go around that by skipping the SL1 class (since I've already taken it) and go straight into a 2nd 8 week course for SL2. Fingers crossed on that one. My transcripts have been ordered and are on their way, I'll bring those to meet with an advisor and see what we can do. Fall classes start August 23rd. Oye. I've been out of school for 3 years already ... time flies.

We've been out for more than 6 months now and time really does fly by. It's crazy how you can blink and a month goes by unnoticed. It's August already and I still remember New Years at Lizz and Victor's house like it was yesterday. The only thing that's good about this time flying by is the number of weddings left on my list has dwindled down to 2 from 6. I still have Brandi and Erin's. And next year Bill's, at least i'm pretty sure his is the only one on the books for next year lol.

Travis has turned 25, he loved his gifts and his parties. He's such an old man now ;). But I love him, really more than I have ever loved anyone. He's my lover and my best friend and I can trust him completely there is nothing more I can ask for.

Time to clean up, this is coming sort of early this year, typically I get in these moods right before my birthday; but seeing in how this is a big birthday it needs more preperation.

Sunday, May 16, 2010


Today has been a Sunday that I've needed for a long time. Slept in woke up did some errands got home in time to watch a basketball game take a shower lounge around ... just relax.

Yesterday was a long day. Woke up got ready was on my way to a wedding that started at 4pm by 9:30am. The drive to bakersfield was long. It was hot. The wedding was outside in the sun. No shade, the good thing about that was that the ceremony lasted a whole five awkward minutes. They stood at least two feet apart, didn't hold hands etc. I don't even think the groom looked at her. The minister bumbled through the vows, and never told anyone to sit after the bride came down the aisle so about half way through the brides side said eff it and just started to sit down in groups then the grooms side caught on. After the ceremony she announced the couple, yet never proclaimed, "you may kiss the bride!". Just awkward.

The repection was about twenty feet to the left and some tables were shaded most weren't (including the head table) so Travis and I quickly went and claimed our spots. The reception was as fun as it could have been for that wedding. No one on the grooms side danced. All Travis' Aunts and cousins. During the toast no cider or champagne was passed around, Travis and I used the water that we had been drinking. We left around 7:30 and made it home just before 10:30.

Friday night we went to the Improv with Alyse and Andrew. That was a lot of fun. We saw Kevin Pollack. He's been in a few movies and if you saw his face you'd recognize him. They came over for a glass of wine before we had to leave to the Improv and that was nice. I like being an adult when I can do things like this. It is nice to just be in your own place. To be able to do whatever whenever you want - have people over to do anything. (Marble I can't wait :D)

Thursday I can't remember what we did. Wednesday the guys lost their game again, but you know they did great. They are playing in a more advanced league yet losing by less. I have hope maybe for next season they'll have a winning season.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Chama Chama Chama Chameleon

We come and go, we come and goooooooo.

I love that song, and it just popped into my head. It unfortunately was not playing on the radio and the only thing I am listening to is the TV way too loud (the Laker game) and Travis talking about baseball ... my life.

This weekend was mothers day. Saturday we spent with my mom and Jason. We went to Bernardo Winery in San Diego. It was my first adventure at a winery and it was fun. I am looking forward to going to another sometime soon. Overall it was a lovely day minus me not feeling so well. I made sure to make up for that and sleep on and off for 12 hours. I hibernated. It was well deserved.

Sunday we went miniature golfing at Boomers in Huntington/Westminster. I didn't lose. I got first place in the girls. Travis got first for the guys. Not too fair seeing in how we just practiced right? I got a hole in one and so did Brenda. We stopped by my mom's house to see everyone there, my aunt and memere. Mom also gave us a bottle of wine, Harmony Cabernet; and a gerber daisy plant she bought for me in Cambria - it is now sitting on the kitchen table. I hope I inherited her green thumb.

Thursday we had dinner at Jon and Brandi's to celebrate their engagement. Played Phase 10 and Travis and I took first and second. We kind of are awesome at games. They are getting married September 18, 2010. It's going to be exciting.

Friday night we had dinner at Natalie's. She wanted us to hang out with her and Nick. I must be honest I was nervous but it turned out wonderful. We shall do that again. We also went to see Iron Man 2 since Travis was all about seeing that on the day it came out. It was enjoyable and didn't let down your expectations.

The rest of the week was pretty mellow. I hope this week will be too. We have his cousin's wedding coming up, fingers crossed.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

In my defense - I was in court lol.

Yes another Tuesday, I was at the court house all day yesterday so when I got home I didn't feel like writing in my blog. I was drug into a court room at like 10 am and the finally let go around 3:30. For some reason a case for a $400 theft was supposed to last an entire week - that would have been a financial hardship for me so that's what I claimed and after explaining why and how it would be a burden for me they dismissed me. I am scott free for a year, but i'd put money on another summons coming this time next year. It really never fails.

Earlier this week was pretty quiet. Wednesday was the basketball game. I don't volunteer your time so please stop volunteering mine. That's all I have to say about that. Lol.

Thursday I went to dinner with coworkers for one of their birthdays (Jessamyn's - she turned 30). We went to Taleo, it was rather delicious; rather pricey too, but still fun. It was nice to see everyone outside of work, I mean no one changed drastically from how they are at work but it does take the edge of having to be appropriate really.

Friday night Travis and I went to dinner and saw a movie, a date night of sorts. It was lovely, I like spending time with just him outside of our apartment. We saw Nightmare on Elm Street. It was ook. Not great, not bad, not a waste of money.

Saturday we woke up dropped off a game at Krista's house, went to our dentist appointment and then I had a baby shower to go to. That was kind of boring, a lot of just sitting around - no games. Weird. Then we went to Dave and Busters with Tara Dave Amy Natalie and Bill, very fun. Bill told me he was going to propose to Lisa. Now I may not agree but I do want him to be happy and she seems to be making him happy now. She has agreed to move to Virginia with him! If that is not a big step in the commitment direction then I don't know what else everyone can ask for from her. I have my fingers crossed on this one.

Sunday Trav and I dropped off some stuff with Alyse at her work then we were supposed to go to the mall and use my gift card to Nordstrom but I didn't feel like shopping so instead we got lunch and headed back home to watch the laker game, we hung the shelves too in the living room and Bill came over to update us on the lunch he had with Lisa's dad. He approved, Bill showed me the ring, not my style but prettier in person that I thought it would be.

Monday was jury duty, no need to say anymore. And this morning oye, it's only 10am and my day has been hectic. Below is the email I wrote to Shannel and Travis explaining what I had to deal with, some people just need to let it go.

So on my way to work there was a suv driving slowly so I went to pass him and another car behind me did as well, so when I passed the suv then I changed lanes to get in front of him to let the other car that wanted to go faster than I was going to pass me. As soon as I went in front of the suv he changed lanes to a lane that was ending in a right turn but he kept speeding up through the intersection to the third lane that right hand turning cars woudl go into, then that lane merged in front of me so he was in front of me. He proceeded to slow down way under the speed limit as if to mess wiht me so then I changed lanes to get from behind him and he basically boxed me in. His lane had less cars so I went behind him again and that's when I realized that he was an asshole and apparently I "offended him" at the red light he was like like less that 5mph so thats when I made up my mind and I was just going to go with the flow and drive slow behind him - not much I could do right? After awhile I saw a spot that I could get around him at so I changed lanes only for this guy to put his blinker on (which mind you I was using mine the whole time) and try to change lanes INTO my car!! INTO it, so I stayed where I was and didn't let him bully me and he finally backed off. Then it got to where I needed to be in the right hand lane not the farthest left so I was kind of worried at how I was going to accomplish that with this asshole basically messing wiht me everytime I tried to change lanes or get away from him. So I just slowed down and went behind him and then he kept changing lanes to get in front of me so whatever, I was in the lane I needed to be in and of course he was in front of me. So I just slowed down to distance myself from his car and he did the same (very frustrating) So the major light before my work (Harvard) he basically slowed to a stop at a green light so I just stayed behind him didn't honk didn't flip him off didn't yell, you would have been proud at how I didn't even acknowledge this guy I wasn't going to let him see how frustrated/rattled I was (at one of the stop lights I had to put my car in park because my leg was shaking sooo much, take deep breaths) he rolled his window down while he was turning and I passed him going straight and I didn't even as much as turn my head in his direction. Bahh. Basically my whole entire drive to work was with this guy messing with me.

Let's see where this week will go seeing in how it started out for me. The upside to today is American Idol is on tonight :D

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


I know I am supposed to update this every Sunday, then that turned into every Monday - I did have every intention of doing it yesterday but a friend was having a bad day so there went those plans. My night turned out really well, dinner, wine, skype with my shanooks (with Travis and Emma too), and a slumber party.

Last week was really low key but very much needed at the same time. The NFL draft came and went, Trav had some guys over and I was enjoying myself. I can't wait for the season to start.

I will say this in here because the only people that read my blog are people that already know this, I am glad I have independent strong friends that don't need a babysitter. Enjoy the solitude of a night alone when you get it, it comes few and far between the busy hours days months of your life. Take a step outside of your comfort zone and realize the boogie man won't get you.

I apparently left my car window down last night (not all the way but a good amount to where you could put your arm in and unlock the door if you wanted) and nothing was taken. My sunglasses lay on the passenger seat, my Cd's in my door, the jacket and blanket strewn across the back seats ... everything right where it was left. That was either luck or we picked the right apartment complex to live in. Mind you, I won't be testing this theory of mine and will count those lucky stars and double check my windows from now on hah.

Saturday night I got to see a lot of my girl friends and that was nice, we hung out at Amanda's house because she was putting on her first "brown bag party". I got some bath salts and this stuff called satin sheets; it's supposed to absorb the "wet spot", but you know there really isn't a wet spot afterwards anymore. We do move positions quite a bit. We'll see maybe it'll be useful in the summer months ahead. I am planning to have a party in a month for her! Those parties are always a blast.

Sunday Travis and I played some mini golf at Boomers in Irvine, I lost of course. It was fun he and I had never been and I think it's something we will do again soon. We also went to game 6 for the King's playoff game. They were eliminated. Boo. It's been 6, or 8, years since they were in contention for the Stanley Cup so I feel lucky to even the chance to see them lose. As they always say in sports, there's always next year...

If I had my life to live over ...

by Erma Bombeck (written after she found out she was dying from cancer).
I would have gone to bed when I was sick instead of pretending the earth would go into a holding pattern if I weren't there for the day. I would have burned the pink candle sculpted like a rose before it melted in storage. I would have talked less and listened more. I would have invited friends over to dinner even if the carpet was stained, or the sofa faded. I would have eaten the popcorn in the 'good' living room and worried much less about the dirt when someone wanted to light a fire in the fireplace. I would have taken the time to listen to my grandfather ramble about his youth. I would have shared more of the responsibility carried by my husband. I would never have insisted the car windows be rolled up on a summer day because my hair had just been teased and sprayed. I would have sat on the lawn with my grass stains.
I would have cried and laughed less while watching television and more while watching life. I would never have bought anything just because it was practical, wouldn't show soil, or was guaranteed to last a lifetime. Instead of wishing away nine months of pregnancy, I'd have cherished every moment and realized that the wonderment growing inside me was the only chance in life to assist God in a miracle.
When my kids kissed me impetuously, I would never have said, 'Later. Now go get washed up for dinner.' There would have been more 'I love you's' More 'I'm sorry's.'
But mostly, given another shot at life, I would seize every minute.look at it and really see it . . live it and never give it back. STOP SWEATING THE SMALL STUFF!!!
Don't worry about who doesn't like you, who has more, or who's doing what Instead, let's cherish the relationships we have with those who do love us.

Monday, April 19, 2010


I don't feel like updating much today. Nikki's shower was fun :) Hanging out with my mom this weekend was great actually. Dinner and the Hendrick Household was great. Last week seemed to have taken forever. ... this week I'll put my work outs back on track.

Do you think this year will be better than the last?
I sure hope so, It wasn't horrible but my car breaking down, Travis being put on bed rest for an "unknown disease" not knowing when he was going to get better, our future being put on hold isn't something I'd sign up for again.

Do you prefer warm or cold weather?
Cooler weather. I like to bundle up.

Has anyone got on your nerves lately?
It's just PMS :)

Is there someone who you can spend every minute with and be happy?
Jolie. Hahah, and Travis. I heart him.

Do you think two people can last a lifetime?

If someone cheated on you would you take him or her back if you really loved them?
Maybe. That is my honest answer (hopefully it will never happen and we won't have to test this answer.)

Are you happy with the way things are going?
Sometimes I wish for a little more variety, but if it didn't come I would still be happy.

Who was the last girl you talked to?
My Marble.

Do you think relationships are hard?
No. If you want it you have to work for it, I don't consider that hard, but worth it.

Are you a patient person?
For the most part yes.

What are you thinking about right now?
Being patient ... and what will come of it :)

Do you believe your last ex and you can really ever be "just friends"?
Ya, I have no feelings for anyone than my love.

Did you reject or accept your last friend request?
I wanted to reject it - but I accepted it. Call it feeling guilty since she's family and I just saw her hah.

Is there a specific moment you can replay in your mind perfectly?
A few of them. :)

Honestly, who was the last person to tell you that they love you?
Jolie this morning when I came out of the bedroom.

Did you sleep alone on new years?
Nope. :)

Who called you last?
My momma.

How long has it been since you kissed someone?
3 hours.

What was the last thing you drank?
Coffee, duh it's still in the AM it takes me forever to finish my morning cup.

Are you currently looking forward to anything?
Ohhh yes. Life.

Do you like to cuddle?
When it's cold out.

Who did you last ride in a car with?
Travis, on the way home from dinner last night. We were planning: get home brush teeth feed the pets get in bed. Lol.

Have you dated the person you texted last?
He's my lover ;)

Could you go the rest of your life without smoking a cigarette?

Do you wear eyeliner?
On certain occasions.

Think back in April, how was your love life then?
It is April :) It's still full of love.

Is your mom over 50?
She is turning 50 in November - the day after my 2 year anniversary!

Where were you last night at 10:00pm and who with?
At Alyse and Andrew's house watching Shutter Island.

Do you have someone of the opposite sex you can tell everything to?

Hate anyone?
No, there is no room for hate.

How many of your friends do you truly trust?
All of my besties :)

Where is your biological father right now?
Off of Magnolia in Garden Grove.

Do you sleep with a fan on?
When it's hot yes, if it's not hot then no ... my nose gets stuffy.

Is it ever too late to apologize?

Do you think things will change in the next few months?
Yes, a few more people will be married, a new baby will be here and Trav will be 25 :)

Is your birthday in less than 6 months?
It is 6 months away!

Are you giving up on someone?
Sort of?

Do you hate being home alone?
If it's for an extended period yes, but It wouldn't hurt to have the Queen to myself :)

If your parents searched your room, would they be mad at what they'd find?
Why on earth would they search my room? It's my place.

Would you go out in public looking the way you do?
I am in public.

Honestly, do you really love the last person you said I love you to?
He is my forever.

Do you know anyone who is pregnant?
Christy Higgins Duong :) ... baby shower in two weeks.

Are you good at giving directions?
Yes :) ... but it coudn't hurt you to look it up yourself sometimes ?? :)

Do you know your social security card by heart?
Yes I do.

Well ... a twist on a blog. Lol. Hope you learned something.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Missing Earring

I feel really bad right now, I lost a diamond earring. Well I hope to say that it's just "misplaced" at the moment. My mom had gotten me those for my 21st birthday, I think? I just know I've had them for awhile. Ugh.

Good news is we have a George Foreman grill now, and it works great. I made some homemade burgers last night for dinner and they were delish.

Tonight is Trav's last basketball game on Clip Show. We'll celebrate at Michaels after the game, should be a good time. Tomorrow starts a new journey though with the Airballers. He's going to be playing at the Laguna Niguel Boys and Girls Club I believe. They were hoping to have a better run than Clip Show did but as its predicted right now the bottom is where they'll stay. Apparently Wednesday nights are a tough night, some good guys play. They were told they would have better luck with Tuesdays. C'est la vie.

I have been waking up at 6am. I am so not a morning person, if I ever had a doubt about it this would pretty much seal the deal. I just love sleeping, I don't think Travis gets that.

I need to make myself work out and quit playing head games with myself hah. I need to give in to what is going to be better for me in the long run. Oye.

Last Saturday Travis and I did a walk for MS with Josh (he got his community service credit for doing it) it was a nice 2 mile walk through the campus of UCI. I ran into an old high school teacher on the way, she was a supporter along the route "you can do it .. lol". Saturday night we played pool, which is starting to be a regular thing lol. I won 2 games of cut throat! I snuck in there and made just enough balls to get the win while the boys were gunning for each other.

Sunday was pick up mail from mom's then JoBeth's bridal shower and then Lucille's BBQ. I forgot my purse at the restaurant! Travis Brenda and I head back to get it and luckily it was right where I left it, under my chair at the table. My old high school friend Kenny and his family was sitting at that table! How crazy.

Next weekend will be busy busy again :).

Monday, April 5, 2010

Shake Rattle and Roll

Yesterday we had an earthquake, a substantial one - 7.2. I thought Travis was moving my chair at first which was funny; I then realized everyone was looking at their chairs thinking someone was moving them and at that point we all agreed, we must be having an earthquake.

We all just sat around looking at each other kind of waiting to see how long it would last. It was more of a rolling quake than a shaking quake. I like the rolling quakes more - feel like you could stand up and surf. Haha.

Easter was relaxing. Rhys and Leslie made it, Zac came with his girlfriend Rachael, I told him if he doesn't keep her I will. We didn't play cricket this year, we all just wanted to sit around and play cards and talk with each other. (My brothers and I with Pat and Dylan- we hardly ever see each other anymore it's nice to all be together)

Travis and I walked home from my Mataunte's house. (Six minute walk lol) Opened our Ivory Label and enjoyed a quiet evening at home. Played some Yahtzee and watched Stephen King's "The Stand" (Travis just got done reading that 1000 page book lol). The wine is definately going in our top wines to drink. It was not that expensive, under $15, and it was delicious! I will always recommend it.
Saturday we went to Prado Park in Chino to hang out wiht Travis' family all day. That was nice and relaxing as well. The second go around of hanging otu with his entire family like that was a piece of cake. By then I've been to countless birthday parties, football games, anniversary parties, etc. They have become my second family. His cousin Britney is dating a guy named Mike. I used to work with him at Best Buy back in the good ol days hahah.. He go to experience meeting everyone for the first time on Saturday but it was bitter sweet for him. Surrounding by a huge family and finding out really horrible news of his own. I still can't grasp how he stayed so calm when finding out his dad was murdered. "It was either liver failure or he was murdered." That to me is to broad of a spectrum to even speak in the same sentence. I wish him the best.

Saturday night Travis Amy and I went to play pool again. The "bouncer" at the door takes his job way to seriously. Under age kids are allowed to be in the place but he glances from ID to face at least 4 times before asking for your hand to mark it red. Ryan came and met up with us afterwards at our place and we hung out and drank and played a game it was really fun. I learned how to pour the "perfect" snake bite. In actuality it's just a regular one but it stays separated! The trick is to use a spoon.

Thursday Travis and I took Jon and Brandi to the Irvine Improv. We saw Ian Bagg. I wasn't sure at first but he turned out to be funny. More of the banter with the audience type of deal. I would see him again. I hope we get tickets for this upcoming week! (but for Brea, Brea is having an awesome lineup of comeidans. Marble gets to see Tosh on Friday woot!)

Last Monday we had a small get together and that turned out larger than I was expecting haha. It was Jon Natalie Lauren Amy Anthony and Krista. Six people over on a Monday night down to Lake Forest - that's not half bad lol. I love when my friends hang out!!

Ohhhh side note. New recipie for Caramel Banana Tiramisu. Delicious. I'll have to post the ingredients later so check back if you want it.

Sunday, March 28, 2010


I was sick all week and it was not fun (sinus infection), Monday Tuesday Wednesday off - work Thursday and Friday vacation day. It's like a staycation haha.

Wednesday night I went to the Irvine Improv that was fun, we saw K T Tatara. Sold out show. Hilarious.

Friday we saw Hot Tub Time Machine, I laughed throughout.

Saturday I went to Joshua Tree with Shannel to see her grandparents. Great time as always, then Sunday came home got my new Scentsy stuff. My new warmer "Taro" is very cute. Then I hung out with JoBeth Amanda and Lindsay. Talked about wedding stuff. Sigh. Growing up.

Let's see how this week back to work goes.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Late night

This week has been ... weird. No day felt like the day it was. This week coming up won't either because I'm taking Friday off :D. I am exhausted, I don't know how I used to be all over the place in one night. Last night alone, we went to four different "parties".

Started by stopping off at Travis' mom and dad's. They got a new Jagermiester machine, it holds three bottles and chills it to about 0 degrees. It only took six adults to finish that, it was all gone by 8pm when we showed up.

Next was The Bar in cypress for Richard's going away party. He's moving to Missouri, sad face.

Then off to Shannel's house to say hello and goodbye to her brother. :)

Last stop of the night was Danielle's house in Irvine. Ryan wanted to have a "party", it wasn't much of a party. Ryan Danielle Corey Megan Shane Justin Amy me and Travis. Lol. Wooooo. :) Travis and Ryan got sauced, Amy stayed over I played DD. I finally coaxed them to leave the party at like 2:45am. Drove through some pretty bad fog, could barely see 20 feet of the car. Got home, made Amy a bed, made sure Travis had somewhere to puke if he needed it, got him some water, got myself ready for bed - then spent the next 30 minutes listening to him hiccup and Jolie meow.

It was around 4am by this point and I was just at the point where I was too tired to be able to fall asleep. It sucked big time. I woke up off and on since 8am and finally got out of bed at like 10:30. My Aunt Val Uncle Chris and cousin Rachel came over for a bit today and brought us a ton of strawberries- yummy!

Trav got a new car yesterday; 2010 Honda Civic LX, basically my car but 7 years newer haha and dark gray instead of silver. He is really happy and relieved he was able to shed the hybrid. Really worried about the batteries going and being stuck with a 6 thousand dollar cost in order to fix that problem.

Alyse and Andrew came over Friday night, it was really enjoyable. I sent her home with a lot of my sample Scentsy smells. I really am going to do nothing with it so why not share.

I am looking forward to getting in bed early tonight. What an old lady. :)

Monday, March 15, 2010

Mondays are my new Sunday

This past week has been pretty quiet. It's been a nice change to have a slow steady week and then you can have fun on the weekend. :D Krista came over on Monday, that was nice to catch up with events in her life. I love her.
I got some workout DVDs ... I have to work extra hard this week for slacking on the weekend - I know I know ... already. My shoulder is killing me though (might be from the Wii, it's dangerous. They do need to come up with a Wii-R) My plan is to be sexy by definitely June.
I'm not concerning myself with weight, but rather with how I feel and look in my clothing. I think that tends to be more of an accurate scale of body image. Weight is just numbers.
Saw Alice in Wonderland on Friday night, it was good, not great but good. I would recommend it to anyone that asked it's not a waste of time; and the dance that Mad Hatter does at the end of the movie is hilarious. I loved the colors and the costumes, I think they did a good job on the visuals but that comes at no surprise.
Saturday Amy came down and we hung out, she and Travis played pool at the pool hall right down the street from our place, it was fun. It didn't have the best reviews on yelp about the wait staff but I found them to be very attentive but not too much where you would find them annoying. Just the right balance.
Sunday I met up with Alyse Tara and Shannel and we got to sample Scentsy's new scents and I wasn't disappointed. They were delicious. You know if they were smart they would venture out of just selling wick less candles and maybe market lotions or bath salts. I can see that being very profitable for them.
Oh my cousin Gerry just text me saying his wife Betsy (she learned she had "NHL" Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma right around Christmas this past year) has one spot left on her chest and 3 chemo sessions left. The doctor says he can't use the word "remission" yet but it is surely close! That makes me very excited. The advances the medical field has made over the last decades has been amazing, there have been at least three members of my family that have had cancer in the last 10 years and all have survived. Makes me very hopeful.
I wrote on my facebook today ... "after how many go arounds do you get tired of walking in circle? at least change the scenery" Walking in a circle gets you nowhere. When you are in the circle you don't seem to notice though - must be a short term memory thing. Sometimes you have to give up hope on - maybe this guy'll be different. Honey, none of them have been different, open those eyes of yours and use your head. Confusing as to why I care so much seeing in how this person is immature/stubborn but I hate to see someone falling (no matter who they are) down the hole they dug themselves and have dug themselves out of countless times. When will you learn?

Monday, March 8, 2010

6am Sirens

This morning I was woken a little earlier than usual by sirens from the fire station near my house on El Toro blaring. Sounded like a lot of sirens so I wonder what happened, nothing was in the news about it this morning.

My week last week pretty much consisted of house shopping. Bed Bath and Beyond, Target, Anna's Linens. It was fun, got frames, pillows, sheets, small table, towels, rugs, you name it when got it. So this weekend while Travis was at work I hung up some frames around the house, feeling a little more like home. It still is weird though, I don't feel any different than I did living at home. I told Travis that I think it's because it's only a month to month lease for some reason - as if that makes a difference.

My mom and Jason came over on Saturday night and had dinner and played the Blockus game Shane and Megan left from Friday night with us. We had our Raymond Cabernet, just as good as the first times we've had it, then the cheap 1.67 bottle - it made that stuff taste like grape juice, or even communion wine lol. I like making dinner for people, I like having people over; not necessarily parties per say but small groups of friends like my old game nights. Those are far and few now a days since I moved kind of far. Hopefully Shannel will make her way down to the North end of "South County" and be my neighbor.

Is it time for Vacation yet?

My benefits have kicked in and I have sick days to use, but then I always feel guilty about using them. Odd. It's also hard to know when to suck it up and go in and when it's ok to just stay home. Since I am at the front I have to be here all the time but I think if I don't use them then I don't get them ... booo.

Monday, March 1, 2010

"Sunday" Number Two - March?

I can not believe it is March. March 1st, really? I guess if that's how this year is going to go I better hold on and get right to the things I've left on the so called back burner.

This weekend my brother turned 23, Bill turned 25, I went to see Bon Jovi with some awesome girls and had my "house warming".

Bon Jovi was awesome like they are. To be able to start singing acapella and have the crowd finish your lyrics is unbelievable that to me would be the most acomplished feeling ever if I was a performer. To write something in hopes it cathces on then twenty some odd years later listen to thousands of people know that song by heart and sing it with as much passion as you would have hoped for is just amazing.

Yesterday was the house warming, and it was kind of a bust if you would ask me. I am really glad my family got to come and Travis' mom and dad; but the only friends that came were the ones that have seen the place. (Which I very much appreciate) The idea of the house warming was to show everyone that hasn't been there, invite them into our home - come look ... you know? When it comes down to it you see who cares.

Busy busy weekend - ready to do nothing tonight. Lately I've felt dizzy and out of sorts I don't know what it is from, well it's probably due to my eating habits if I sit and think about it it does happen more often on days when I haven't eaten breakfast. My body won't let me not eat - or I regret it.

I can't wait to have my doctor appointment (not scheduled yet) so I can see just how I am lol. Going to schedule an appointment to get my eyes checked again, even if my perscription hasn't changed I want to get a new pair of glasses so I can keep on at work and one at home and not have to worry about carrying them around in my purse all the time.

Oh just remembered - rent is due today. First rent check for the apartment oye. First of many (hopefully right?)

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sunday number one

My knee is killing me has been all day today, woke up not feeling so hot and that was pretty much the tone for the day. Kind of blah, not a fabulous day to end the weekend - also not looking forward to the week lol.

The past week has gone fairly quick: I had Monday off and that was nice, my boss was out much of the week so that meant I got to relax and Friday was an easy breezy day.

We (Travis his little brother and I) saw Shutter Island finally on Saturday afternoon and it was good. I pretty much said what I presumed the outcome of the movie would be before we left the house and turns out I was right. I do recommend the movie for anyone that is curious.

Lesson is if you ever ask me how I think a movie will go don't be mad if it ends up being true :)

Picked up a new fish - Teddy Shubunkin. He doesn't eat. Went to exchange the fish flakes for pellets and he still does not seem to be interested in eating. We'll see just how long he lasts.

I don't have any new recipes to report this week but I will try and get one soon. :)